
Personalized Learning

By: Carolina Landázuri, Elementary School Director

“If a child cannot learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” – Ignacio Estrada, educator.

We all learn in different ways, and through neuro-psychopedagogy, various didactic and pedagogical tools have been developed to provide teachers with strategies to create increasingly comprehensive and efficient learning spaces. These spaces allow our students to feel secure in showcasing what they are capable of.

Our educators are attentive to the interests of their students, constantly seeking new ways to develop their skills and ensure meaningful learning according to their needs. Just as we develop all their intelligences, we respect their timelines, incorporating cooperative and individual activities where all their social and academic skills are nurtured. Independent opportunities allow for personalized challenges that motivate them to seek solutions and progress at their own level and pace.

On the other hand, cooperative activities, where they can learn to appreciate the contributions of others, provide students with the opportunity to find resolutions that lead to a sense of achievement as a team.

Placing the child at the center of our methodology allows our teachers to have a path and compass to reach the clear goal where each of our students is seen as a unique and irreplaceable individual. All of this ensures the development of various skills and the enhancement of their own talents to reach their best version.

Formative Discipline and Restorative Practices in School Life

At Highlands, we use formative discipline as an educational intervention method that promotes self-regulation of behavior in response to the responsible exercise of freedom and maturation in love. This approach fosters an environment of respect and responsibility, promoting positive learning.


Learning Centers

Allowing our students to learn actively is vital for us. Exploring, learning, practicing, and applying are essential steps in the process, and centers enable us to have efficient and dynamic class hours. Our teachers have become great creators of activities that facilitate differentiated work in centers to develop and enhance various skills in our students.
